Christmas can be a magical time of year. Children are excited, the
weather changes (for some), beautiful lights and decorations flood the stores
and streets, and many people seem to be in a merrier mood. Of course, this
isn't always the case. Some people do not enjoy this time of year-and to them I
say bah humbug! For those of us who are
Christians, we have an even greater reason to celebrate. I know we have all
heard this a lot, but it is important to set aside time to remember how God
sent His son to earth to take on an earthly body as a little baby boy, knowing
He would one day sacrifice that Son to save us.
This year brought an amazing Christmas Day for my family. After a fairly hectic
month with work, doctor appointments, and crowded shopping, that day was so
peaceful. My brother and I took charge of making the dinner, and he even ground
up the turkey and stuffing so my mom could enjoy it since her jaw isn't fully
healed. We enjoyed gifts and filming the cats (our children) with their new
toys. Then, as my dad was reading about the nativity, it started snowing! It
was a great day that we did not want to end.
After such a wonderful day, I was deeply saddened as I started at work the
following day. Despite the weather, many people decided to take advantage of
the clearance sales, so the store was crowded. But I expected that. What really
got to me is that after such a magical day, everyone was carrying on business
as usual. Customers were frantic and impatient. Drivers on the slick roads were
the same. My coworkers were discussing grievances about the job. It was like
time was frozen in the snow that one Christmas Day, and then it unfroze and
life forgot it. It seems that the music, lights, joyful spirits, and goodwill
all faded in an instant. Why do people allow themselves to forget so
quickly? Why do we change back to our
normal glum selves when the family goes home and the decorations come
down? Shouldn't we have those joyful
feelings and kindhearted nature all the time?
And what about those who don't feel that way even on Christmas? I don't believe God meant for us to get so
caught up in our day to day busyness that we become grumpy, depressed,
stressed-out, or inconsiderate. We need
to not only look at Christmas through the eyes of a child; we also need to find
that childlike faith all year long. So,
as we enter a new year, don't allow the Christmas spirit and its true meaning
to fizzle out. If you are too busy to spend time with God, then you are too
busy! Let us not forget the things God
has blessed us with. As my pastor says, if God doesn't bless you beyond your
salvation, you still have a reason to thank Him. And if you are not saved,
please consider God's gift, it's the best Christmas present of all!
“But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come
to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as
these. I tell you the truth, anyone who
will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’” Luke 18:16-17 (NIV)
Traveling through the ups and downs of life and finding the joy of the Lord in the process
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
What I'm Thankful For
I noticed how a lot of people were doing the 30 days of thankfulness
posts. Well, I decided not to try to
keep up with the daily updates, but since it is the end of the month of
Thanksgiving, I thought I’d share some things I’m thankful for.
thankful for this time of year. I love
the lights and the Christmas songs. The
food, the time with family and friends, the reminders that Jesus is the reason
we celebrate, and for the kindness that some people decide to share. Thanksgiving and Christmas always remind me
of childhood memories of going to my grandma’s house and my family would gather
with my cousins, aunt and uncle and enjoy great food, making Christmas cookies,
and presents, of course. I really miss
those times, and I’m thankful that my grandma was there to orchestrate those
activities during my years in Arizona.
thankful for the people I have gotten to know in Oklahoma. I’m thankful for the friends who have stayed
close over the years even though we’ve been separated by distance and lack of
time. I’m thankful for my church and for
pastors who are willing to preach the truth directly from the Bible. I’m thankful for my mom, my dad, and my
brother. It has just been the four of us
since we moved here, and although we’ve been through many rough patches, I’m
still glad to call them family.
thankful to have a job. There are many
people who live on much less and can still find things to be grateful for, so I
have no right to complain about the things I have been blessed with. I’m thankful that besides a cold or sinus
infection once in a while, I have lived a fairly healthy life. I still have the ability to see, hear, smell,
touch, think, breathe, run, and I could go on…there are many who have lost some
of these abilities or never had them in the first place, so I am definitely
grateful for 28 years of good health. I’m
also thankful that I was born in a country where we have so many freedoms and privileges. I’m thankful for the soldiers who have fought
to protect those freedoms and those who are still fighting or have given their
lives for this country. I’m thankful for
those who guard and protect us within our own borders: the firefighters, policemen,
paramedics, nurses, and doctors. Those
who carry out these tasks with honesty and integrity are America’s true
thankful the beauty of nature. It’s fun
observing animals and their quirky habits, especially cats. I’m thankful for interesting weather patterns
and clouds. Thunderstorms and snow
always create an exciting day. I’m
thankful for the beautiful landscapes I’ve observed as I’ve traveled through
different states and the pictures I’ve seen from around the world. God has created such amazing sights to
behold. I’m thankful for the many
different ways people have to express themselves. It’s inspiring to experience the writing,
music, painting, or other forms of art that people have made.
There are so many day-by-day things that I sometimes take for granted. In my own selfishness, I sometimes forget what I have been given and only focus on what I wish I had. I'm thankful for the quiet moments to reflect on what God has blessed me with. I'm thankful that He sent His son to die on the cross and rise again to save us from our sins. Without God's amazing love and mercy, I would have nothing. I think taking the time to remember God's love and blessings is the most important part of this season. May God bless you during this coming month and have a Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Still Learning
Prayer for the day:
Help me
through this day Lord. Guide me with
Your joy and peace. Help me to see Your whispers of encouragement throughout
this day. I'm feeling very overwhelmed
and flooded with things. Give me the peace of your presence and empty my mind
of these worries, fears, doubts, and troubles. Empty all my cares and fill my crowded mind
with your presence instead. Please take
my desires and feelings into your hands today as I should be surrendering them
to You each day. I don't know what Your
plans are or where you're taking me, just help me to trust that they are good. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Lately, it
seems like trials are just piling up on me. It's kind of funny, because I was praying
before the evening service at church the other day that God would take these
trials away. Then, Pastor Tim preached
directly on that subject. Instead of
begging for the trials to go away, we should pray that God would help us learn
from our trials and become a stronger Christian because of them. Needless to say, I felt convicted because I
had been searching for a way to escape; I was blaming myself and my failures. God uses the hard times to bring us closer to
Him and to shine His light to others. He
is in charge and He has a plan for each of us.
We have no need to be anxious because He is in complete control of the
length and intensity of our trials. So, if
you feel trapped or worried about the future, fear not, for God knows what He's
doing. He wants us to grow and to bring
honor to His name. He will use our
circumstances, no matter how tough they seem, to achieve that growth and glory
in our lives.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Fiery Trials
Do you ever
get the feeling that you've been outdone by someone else? Maybe that's not exactly the right way to
phrase it...Has there ever been a time that you have felt down-in-the-dumps
depressed and then you come across a story or some news that is far worse than
what you are going through? When you
hear about someone whose life is harder than yours, do you feel upset with
yourself for feeling down about your own situation? Or maybe it's the opposite: Do you ever feel
like other people have it too easy and barely have any problems? Of course, there are many different levels of
pain both emotionally and physically and each of us handles things differently,
so I guess we can't really put our trials on a scale.
God knows
everything about us, so He knows what we can and cannot handle. Maybe, when you are in the midst of the fire,
you may not feel like you will make it through the flames. But, if you call out to God for help, He will
not let the flames completely consume you.
He discerns and assesses your situation and knows exactly how much
oxygen you have left and when to pull you out.
I've heard it said in church that God uses the trials in life to refine
us. Just like pottery, we have to go
through the fire to become a finished piece.
1 Peter 1:6-7 says, "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a
little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith -- of
greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire -- may be
proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is
will all go through trials and tests of their faith. I'm speaking to myself when I say there is
absolutely no reason for us to compare our troubles to one another. Each person is unique and struggles with
different things. Romans 12:15 says,
"Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that
weep." So, instead of trying to
judge what seems fair or who is better off, we should just be encouraging and
comforting to one another regardless of our own situation. And when you feel like the flames are
surrounding you, just remember all the blessings God has given you.
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,
for His compassions never fail."
-Lamentations 4:11
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face
trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops
perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and
complete, not lacking anything."
-James 1:2-4Thursday, August 30, 2012
30 Before 30
I realized
after putting up my post last month that it was my 30th post. The funny thing is that I almost decided to
use my 30 Before 30 list for that one.
But, at that time, I had not completed it and I had another idea to
write about. So, to celebrate the 30
posts I've completed and since it is August 30th, I thought today would be just
as good a time to share my 30 Before 30 blog...
A few
months before my 28th birthday, I noticed that a few of my friends from college
were posting 30 Before 30 lists. I
always liked the idea of making lists of things to accomplish by a certain time,
and I have no idea why I never sat down and made this particular list. I have always had an ongoing Bucket List in
my head, but I have never written anything out.
Putting goals in writing is a good step toward accomplishing them,
because it holds you more accountable.
So, I started making that list, but I didn't finish it until after I
posted last month's blog.
Making a
list of 30 things to do before I turn 30 was harder than I thought it would
be. I wanted to make my goals
reasonable; things that could be attainable in 2 years, so that narrowed down a
lot of my Bucket List items. I also started
thinking about things I had done that I would have put on the list if I'd made
it sooner. Before I share my 30 Before
30, I would like to share 15 things I have done in the last 5 years. Some of them may seem silly, but they were
definitely on my mental bucket list. Believe
it or not, I have done 11 of these things in the last 3 years since I turned
1. Start
a blog :)
2. Graduate
3. Fly
in a plane
4. Visit
5. Do
a 5k run/walk
6. Go
to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios
7. Use
public transportation to get around a city
8. See
the east coast/Atlantic
9. Lead
a Bible study
10. Complete my
first year of teaching
11. Go on a
horse-drawn carriage ride
12. Eat sushi
13. Go to
church camp as an adult counselor
14. Ride a
15. Take dance
As you can
see, a lot can happen in a short span of time.
I know this hasn't been a very serious or spiritual post so far, but I
do believe that God has helped me to see the good in my life over the
years. Sometimes everyday life can seem
so dull, but then I remember the things I have seen and done and the things God
has lead me through. I just made a list
of the "big" things, but there are so many things God has helped me
accomplish since college, since high school, since I moved to Oklahoma , since He saved me at age 11,
etc. Just remember that God is always
there with you and He will get you through the trials as well as the good
times. He has plans for you and He will
provide ways to accomplish His purpose in your life. On that note, here is my 30 Before 30 list:
1. Write
a book (at least a children's book)
2. Finish
a 5k in 30 minutes or less
3. Make
a three-course dinner for more than 5 people
4. Read
at least 30 books from a top 100 book list
5. Host
a party
6. Finish
independently reading through a Bible study book
7. Play
through a song on the piano that uses both hands
8. Have
a 5 minute conversation in Spanish
9. Complete
a mission trip or vacation scrapbook
10. Attend a
Broadway show as an adult
11. Plant and
cultivate at least one garden plant
12. Learn the
basics of a third language
13. Plan a week
of meals
14. Spend 30
minutes a day working on a hobby for a week
15. Fix and
bring a side dish made from scratch to a church dinner
16. Post a
video on Youtube
17. Visit the Grand Canyon
18. Invest in a
retirement account
19. Send a
photo or article to a magazine
20. Make up a
dance routine
21. Sew a pair
of culottes
22. Have a spa
23. Completely
unplug from technology for a week
24. Pay off
25. Have a
Harry Potter movie marathon
26. Get rid of
old stuff and reorganize my room
27. Volunteer
somewhere I never have before
28. Play
29. Learn 2 new
things to do with my hair
30. Read
through the Bible with commentaries
Ta Da!
Well, there it is. I'll admit that I took some of the ideas from other lists
I've seen. As I mentioned earlier, there
are also things I did not include because they were either too hard to
accomplish within 2 years or not entirely under my control, such as traveling
overseas or getting married. I will try
to keep you updated on things I have finished.
"A goal without a plan is just a wish." - Antoine
de Saint-Exupery
"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not
fail?" - Dr. Robert Schuller
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans
will succeed." - Proverbs 16:3
Monday, July 30, 2012
Just Keep Swimming
Well, last
week I survived my first time of being a church camp counselor. It was a lot better than I thought it would
be. There was a breeze most of the week
to keep the heat down, the youth got along fairly well, and I wasn't forced to
participate in any activities I'd rather not do (like chasing chickens). Our church kids did really well in the
activities throughout the week. The
Lindsey Chapel Youth Choir placed first in the choir competition and a boy from
our group received the student of the week honor above all the other boys at
camp that week. There was a lot of fun
activities and good, clean entertainment, but the highlight of the week was the
preaching. Two kids from our church got
saved and that was a great blessing. I'm
sure many of the others made commitments to God throughout the week, including
myself. I thought I'd share a little bit
of what God showed me this last week and I hope that you, my readers, can help
hold me accountable.
The theme
for the week was "Don't Quit" and they used Galatians 6:9 which says,
"And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap,
if we faint not." It is amazing how
God can bring the right messages to you right at the point you need to hear
them. I have felt like giving up a lot in
the past few years: I've considered quitting my current job multiple times, I
have given up on searching for a teaching job each summer after only applying
at a few schools, I've considered moving away from a great church, I've allowed
myself to get behind on simple tasks like doing the dishes or budgeting, and
the list could go on and on. But,
through all the ups and downs, I have felt like God is keeping me where I am
for a reason. Not just at this specific
location, but also at my current job and in my current state of
singleness. I still struggle with
discontentment, and that is why I have made multiple attempts to get out of
these circumstances. I think that by
denying my requests for change, God has been trying to tell me that I need to
learn to fully depend on Him. In
everything. With my job, with my money,
with my desire to be married, with my family and friends, there is nothing that
God overlooks. He knows everything about
me, and He knows exactly what I need and when I need it.
There are so
many other good points that were made in the messages I heard last week. Maybe, I will get an opportunity to use some
of them in future posts. For now, I'll
focus on one. As with all the camps and
retreats I've gone to, this one came to an end.
Many people go through what they call a "mountain-top
experience;" they get all pumped up and ready to make a difference during
the event, but then they go home and get hit in the face with reality. One of the preachers pointed out that just
because you make a commitment, it does not mean it will be easy to keep
it. He said that we would be tested;
that our faith and resolve would be challenged as soon as we leave. I expected to be challenged with a bad day at
work the day after arriving home.
Instead, my challenge was allergies and congestion. I didn't see that coming; I had a sore throat most of the camp week,
but I didn't realize it would escalate. Since Friday afternoon, I just started
feeling worse and worse, and I spent most of the afternoon in bed on
Sunday. It is very hard to keep a
positive attitude, encourage others, and stay motivated to a task when you feel
like your head is in a fog and your energy is completely drained. I tried to stay as positive as possible at
work and church, but I felt pretty rundown by the end of the weekend. Monday did not start out too well either, but
now my symptoms have cleared up and I guess this was just a reminder to not
take anything for granted, including my health.
I hope that even if I don't feel up to par, I can still strive to have a
cheerful countenance, to be an encourager, to seek God's truth and will in my
life, and to just keep swimming :)
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Words of Encouragement
So, summer just started and we have
already caught a glimpse of the torturous heat it is bringing! I thought we
could all use some words of encouragement. I wrote this as a response to an
email from a friend a while back. (For those of you involved, don't worry, I
edited out certain details and names)
reworded): Do you ever feel like life is passing you by? Like everyone else is
living while you are at a standstill?
It was funny that
she would ask a question like that, because I was struggling with that very
thing and I shared what God was trying to teach me at the time. Here was my
In times like
this it's very hard to press on, I'm still working on it myself. My pastor has
preached on Philippians 4, in verses 11-13 it says: "I am not saying this
because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the
circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have
plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me
strength." In the KJV, verse 11 says: "in whatsoever state I am,
therewith to be content." I think that our problem is that we're always
comparing ourselves with others. We look with longing at what we want and
wonder how others can have it when we don't. But even the people who seem to
have perfect lives have their own struggles, some are just less visible than
others. Everyone has moments when they desire a better life, but the difference
is that those who are most fulfilled in life are the ones who take everything
to God. Romans 12:12 says: "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction,
faithful in prayer." This may not be the case for you, but I know that my
problem is a problem with joy. I allow depression and negative thoughts to take
me down. It gives me this self-pitying, sour attitude and people notice. I have
been told multiple times to "smile, life's not that bad." I may not
be able to control my circumstances, but I can control my attitude. It's much
better to remember that God is always in control, in the good times and the
bad, and He knows what you're going through. He uses the tough times to bring
you closer to Him. So look at the positive things even if they seem few and far
I've noticed that the subject of
encouragement and positive thinking seems to keep coming back to me. I guess I
still have a lot to learn and I'm glad to be able to share these things that
God is working on in my life. I hope it's not too repetitive :) If you would
like more on this subject, look back at these posts:
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jesus said,
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every
branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he
prunes so that it will be even more branch can bear fruit by
itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you
remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I
in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:1-2,4-5) So, there is a vine we should allow to
flourish. God uses challenging
situations in our lives to help us grow in Him.
Instead of allowing circumstances or sins to overtake us, we should turn
back to the One we take root in and allow Him to help us bear fruit in those
situations. Here are a few examples of
how people take root in God:
delight is in the law of the Lord; and on His law he meditates day and night."
(Ps. 1:2)
fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise."
(Prov. 11:30)
the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who
belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and
desires." (Gal. 5:22-24)
Of course, there are plenty of other examples, but part of
taking root in God involves studying these topics on your own. "Be joyful in hope, patient in
affliction, faithful in prayer," study God's Word, and don't allow
yourself to become entangled in the vines of this world!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Identity Crisis (Part 2)
So, I started my so-called "series" and I thought I was going somewhere with it, and then I made the mistake of not taking down my thoughts for a follow-up. (Life Lesson #5893: Always write down your ideas before they escape)
I was mostly just thinking along the lines that maybe, at least for me personally, it would have been better to take a break after high school. Take a sort of non-paid sabbatical to pray, think, plan, explore, travel, etc. But, the problem for those who went to public school is the push to go straight to college, and I allowed myself to be pushed. My thoughts at the time were: "Most of my friends are going to college, I don't want to be behind," and "What if I can't get any scholarships if I wait." In hindsight, my worries were simple-minded, but I was only 18, clueless and unsure. Of course, now I'm 27 and still feel clueless and unsure. At the time, I thought that college was a safety net. It kept me in the school calendar (with holidays!) and supposedly guaranteed a career, right? We were fed the idea that all you need is a degree and you can do anything! No one told me what the real world was like:
Every month, a pile of bills shows up; in order to get that "dream job" you have to go through job listings, applications, cover letters, phone calls, interviews, background checks, health insurance policies, taxes...; all that free time that used to cause boredom is gone; some of those who get married have to suddenly perform an amazing balancing act with family time, classes, housecleaning, hobbies, etc.; and those who are single realize that social opportunities seem to diminish almost entirely after leaving the school system, and even when those opportunities present themselves, they always seem to conflict with a full-time work schedule!
I'm sure I've left out a lot, but that is only an example of the things that bombard young adults as we enter the adult life. I'm sure there are many older adults who still feel overwhelmed by life and what the future may hold, generally and personally. I don't really have a conclusion to this because life is hard and none of know where we will end up down the road. But, don't lose heart. I'm not going to sit here and give a motivational speech about following your dreams, but there is always hope. I think of two of my favorite Bible verses: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." (Prov. 3:5-6) and "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer. 29:11) I know I've used those verses before, but that's why they are some of my favorites. I wish I would have been more driven to seek God's will and godly counsel back when I was making decisions as a teenager. I don't know if I would have done things differently with college and choosing a major, but I think I would feel more confident now if I would have sought out what God wanted instead of what I thought I wanted. I remember going on a mission trip between my junior and senior year of college. I realized that I had not allowed God to make a calling in my life. I was about to finish off my last semester of classes and a semester of student teaching, and I had not given much thought to whether this was where God wanted me. Did He want me to teach or should I have considered missions? At that point, it was too late, I was locked into that major, there was nothing I could change to and still finish in a year. I couldn't stay longer because I had student loans I would have to start paying off. I realized that not only had I not explored more options, but I had not acknowledged God's plan for me; I felt stuck.
As I stated earlier, there is always hope. Things may have gone more smoothly if I would have recognized God's will for my life sooner, but it is never too late to turn back to Him. He can still use these milestones and past choices to bring my life into His plan. Life is still hard and adulthood still comes before we are ready for it, but if we allow God to take control, our lives will produce fruit.
"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him..." (Phil. 3:7-9)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Identity Crisis
If you
think about it, adulthood kind of shows up so abruptly, how is anyone supposed
to really know what to do? Up through
high school we were treated as kids. Many were spoiled, especially in this age
of technology. We had clothes, electricity, food, transportation, and many
other things provided for us and we rarely gave it a second thought. I know
that some people had a rougher childhood than others, but, speaking for myself,
even though I knew my family didn't have much money, I still took things for
granted. When we came close to graduation, many of us were preparing for
college or a career and some were even planning weddings. Maybe taking care of
pets, babysitting, chores, and part-time jobs helped us develop some sense of
responsibility, but were we really ready?
The decisions we made as teenagers could impact the rest of our
Those of us
who went to college may have extended this charade. Staying in dorms, eating at
the cafeteria, and following the class syllabus kept us on a schedule that
pretty much set itself. At some point
before entering college or after finishing the basic classes, we must decide on
a major. "What do you want to spend the rest of your life doing?" is
a pretty tough question for an 18-20 year old. I think of James Marcia's
identity statuses (see chart) that I studied in one of my classes. I sometimes feel as though I fit into
"identity foreclosure" because I made a commitment without exploring
other options. I went straight to college and majored in education because I
thought I was pretty good with little kids. I have a friend who was in a state
of "moratorium" until her fourth year of college! Many of us choose our
career paths before we face the "real world."

And now
I'll go back to my original point: at a young age we are thrust out
into the world. We are independent young adults with plans and dreams, only we
soon discover that life isn't as easy as we thought it was...
To be continued...
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Spoiler Alert
when I read, I try to rush past the details or the "boring parts" to
find out what happens next. I constantly try to get to the climax and closing
as quickly as possible. I forget that those details are an important part of
the story and it would do me some good to take the time to read them. The
details make up the story and you can enjoy the outcome a lot more by focusing
more on those details. There's a saying that has to do with that, it goes kind
of like this: No matter where you're going or how it all ends, it's the journey
that matters the most.
That was part
of one of my diary entries from a couple years ago. I kept flipping ahead in
this book I was reading at the time because I just knew something interesting
was coming. I forgot the fact that authors intentionally include most of those
details to build up the storyline and develop the characters. I ended up
spoiling most of the story because I kept skipping sections. You know, life is
like that sometimes. You come to a point where you feel like nothing
interesting is happening, and you would prefer to skip ahead to the next
chapter. Philippians 4:11 states, "For I have learned, in whatsoever state
I am, therewith to be content." My pastor likes to bring up that verse a
lot in his preaching, probably because we live in a fast-paced society. We want
things instantly with a gotta-have-it now mindset. Contentment with what you
have and where you are is a foreign concept to most. Some people end up
compromising their beliefs, some complain, some want to start all over again,
and some just give up. But God probably has something different in mind when He
puts us all in different chapters and stages of life. Yes, some are more remarkable
than others, but those uninteresting stages can be a time of learning. When
life seems to be stuck, maybe it's your attitude that needs to be unstuck. You
should look at the hard times or dull moments as a time of character
development. You never know what's going to happen next or what your learning
experiences might be training you for. That in itself is pretty thrilling if
you think about it. We can't see what's beyond the fog, but God can and He
knows what He's doing in our lives. I've used this verse before, and it's one
of my favorites because of the promise it brings: "For I know the plans I
have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans
to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11) So, instead of focusing
on our negative or tedious circumstances,
we should look for the opportunities to learn and grow through those
circumstances. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"
note: Happy Leap Day! I know it's almost over now and so is the month, but I
still just had to get my February post in. I may go back to further develop
this topic again in the future, but for now I hope you all had a wonderful
extra day :)
Monday, January 30, 2012
The Greatest Story Ever Told
About a week ago, I finished reading a book that was set in Biblical times. More specifically, it is a fictional representation of the life of Jacob's daughter, Dinah. Even though it is fiction, that story made me want to compare it to the real story from the Bible. The next thing I knew, I was pouring through the pages of Genesis and looking at the maps in the back of my Bible tracking the locations and directions of the people. Isn't it funny how it takes a work of fiction to peak my interest in reading God's Word? When I read the Bible before, especially the Old Testament, it seemed like just a bunch of names and rules, and it was like a chore to get myself to read through those lists. Then, every once in a while I came across one of those stories that my Sunday school teacher used to put up on a flannel board. But, there is so much more to it than that. It's all a matter of perspective. You can find stories of victories and defeat, love and loss, good and evil. There are songs, poems, letters, and parables. Those study Bibles have a concordance, maps, and notes for a good reason, so maybe we should use them.
What's interesting (but certainly not coincidental) is that the morning after I finished reading that book, I came across this devotional from Our Daily Bread. Basically, it expanded on what I had just come to realize. Like the writer of that day's devotion, I went through a process from reading out of duty to reading for enjoyment. The Bible isn't just a history book, it is a book about life with God. We can learn lessons from the people in the Bible. They may have looked different and used different customs and protocols, but their thoughts probably weren't so different from ours. They were real people with their own traits, doubts, fears, and struggles. Many of the Old Testament laws are still used to govern us. There are psalms that address joys and sorrows that modern-day Christians can relate to. The New Testament letters address issues among the first believers that churches still deal with today. And those are just a few examples of how relevant and alive God's Word is in our lives.
So, if your scripture reading feels like more of an obligation than a delight, then maybe it's time to find a way to peak your interest. There are commentaries and dictionaries available that can help with words or concepts that are hard to understand. You can use maps or look up information on the background of those times to get a better perspective of how the people lived and where they were located. Most commentaries tell you who wrote the books and the audience they were addressing at that time. Just remember that the Bible is more than just a good story, it's more than just a record of laws and prophets, it is God's Living Word to us.
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