A to Z Challenge 2015

Here is a list of my A to Z Challenge posts.  My theme was Life Lessons from the Bible.

A- Armor

B- Blessed

C- Casting Cares

D- Deer

E- Endurance

F- Fruit

G- Grace

H- Heart

I- Idleness

J- Joseph

K- Knowledge

L- Love

M- Ministry

N- New

O- Onesimus

P- Prayer

Q- Quiet

R- Ruth

S- Seasons

T- Trust

U- Unity

V- Vessel

W- Wait

X- Xerxes

Y- Yield

Z- Zeal

A to Z Reflections Post


  1. Loving your theme :) I think it's really interesting seeing what everyone chose for their themes!
    Popping by on the A to Z Road Trip

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I agree, there are a lot of interesting and creative themes out there :)


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