My cat,
Sawyer, gave me a scare the other night.
Ever since we lost 2 cats last year who were indoor/outdoor cats, I have
been exceptionally over-protective of my 3 indoor cats. We often let Sawyer have free range of our
screened-in porch, and that night, he was out there. I was checking to see if he wanted back in,
when I noticed the back door was open!
So, I hate to admit it, but this cat lady-in-the-making panicked! My brother came out because of all my woeful
calls, and I poured out all my worries and fears for my darn cat. He gave me this look of utter disdain and
told me to calm down. He immediately
heard Sawyer’s meows and we found our cowardly lion hiding nearby. When we first brought him in, Sawyer was so
scared, but within about 10 minutes, he was meowing at the door wanting back
Isn’t life
a lot like that? Our parents or pastors
try so hard to protect us from the outside world, and we always wonder what’s
out there. Then, when some people give
in to their curiosities, the temptation to go back out there is even harder to
resist. That is part of the reason why
so many young adults turn away from God once they go out on their own. King Solomon decided to explore all the world
had to offer; he had access to all the riches and pleasures he desired, and
here’s what he had to say:
“I denied
myself nothing my eyes desired;
I refused my heart no pleasure.
My heart took delight in all my labor,
and this was the reward for all my
Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
and what I had toiled to achieve,
everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
nothing was gained under the sun.” (Ecc. 2:10-11)
So, instead of trying to get to the other
side of the fence to see what the world has to offer, shouldn’t we be offering
our lives to God? It is not easy, the
world likes to sugarcoat sins, and whether we have tasted them or not, the
temptation never goes away. But our God
is stronger than temptation. He gave us
this promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13: “No temptation
has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he
will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,
he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
When Sawyer
went outside, the porch door was still open.
He had a chance to come back in to safety on his own instead of being reprimanded
by his humans. Don’t be like my cat, if
God leaves a door open for you to get out of something, use it! Remember that sin is only pleasurable for a
season and it does reap consequences.
Obey God and seek His will for your life to avoid the pain of regret and
discover His blessings instead!