My focus has been so far off lately.
That is why I can’t seem to get anything done. Lack of time is not the problem.
It’s complete lack of motivation, discipline, and focus. My mind is constantly
going in ten different directions and I never know which lead to follow.
Sometimes it’s with writing: should I write a blog post? Should I be working on
a short story? A novel? A children’s book? I have all of that floating in my
head that needs to get out on the page before it all dies. But, this goes far
beyond writing decisions. Getting myself to sit down and write is a chore in
and of itself. Ever a distracted procrastinator, I find everything else to do and I start random
crafts or projects. I actually did finish a couple long term projects this last
month, which was nice. I suppose I need to find motivation in those moments of
accomplishment, even if it’s not with writing. If I could get more of the
organizational projects out of the way, I may be able to focus more on my
writing (or so I tell myself). One of my finished projects involved creating a
significant amount of storage space in my room, which allows me to FINALLY
clear off the random books, crafts and sewing supplies on my desk. That is my
next project, to sort and move that stuff so my computer can have its old home
back. My current set up in the living room is too full of distractions like the
TV, large window, and cats. I have read that it’s helpful to find a place to
get away from distractions, so I am working on creating that space.
My current "writing" spot
the midst of the storage wars, I did manage little bits of writing here and
there. One day, when I intentionally sat down for ten minutes to write, I wrote
350 words. Now that may not sound like a lot, but I did the math :) If I only
wrote 300 words per day, every day, I would have 109,500 words by the end of
the year! I know more experienced writers probably manage a lot more than that,
and then there’s the editing and revising stages and beyond, but that still
looks like a good number to start with for a beginning novelist like me,
especially in only ten minutes a day. Feeling motivated yet?