Monday, September 7, 2015

Question of the Month

                Happy Labor Day, everyone!  I will try to make the most of it, which won’t be easy since I have to work :(  I like September’s Question of the Month, so I thought I would participate.  The Question of the Month is a bloghop that occurs the first Monday of each month and it is hosted by Michael G D'Agostino from A Life Examined.

Here is this month’s question: What’s the best job you’ve ever had?
                I would have to say that my favorite job was actually through a work-study program at my university.  It was called America Reads and we tutored first graders in reading for an hour after school on Mondays-Thursdays.  I enjoyed it because I love helping kids learn.  I love it when they get that “ah-hah” look on their faces and knowing that I was able to help them reach that goal.  Reading is especially fun because there are so many activities I can do with them to learn letters and sounds.  America Reads was also fun because we were able to work together one-on-one which is how I like to teach; that or small groups.  This is the reason I quickly burnt out when I taught kindergarten, because I had fifteen students and only had help for about an hour a day.  With all of my students at different levels, it was impossible for me to help all of them and that made me sad.  So, being able to focus on one student per semester was a great experience.

                I thought I would also include my second favorite “job”, which I would love to do for a living, but I don’t think there’s enough of a demand for it in my area.  In recent years, I have had a few opportunities to dog-sit for two different couples in my church.  I would go to their homes after I got off work, feed the dogs and other various chores, and stay the night.  I have stayed from three nights all the way to two weeks and it is kind of fun to pretend I live somewhere else, although I did get a bit homesick during that two week period.  I have enjoyed some pleasant babysitting experiences over the years as well.

One of the dogs I cared for, Slink, who has since passed away :(


  1. If fifteen kids was rough, imagine teachers who have thirty or more kids. At that point, you'd just be trying to maintain control.
    I know someone who cat and dog sat, but it wasn't enough to do full time.

    1. Alex, It is sad that teachers have to deal with these situations and I admire the ones who keep trying. And if I find a way to earn a full-time income as a sitter, I'll let you know :)

  2. I have a friend who pet-sits full time but she's in a pretty big urban area. She loves it but the hours are pretty rough. Very early in the morning and often late at night.

    Susan Says

    1. Susan, working early mornings or late nights can be pretty rough, I hope your friend gets a break from pet-sitting once in a while.

  3. Great jobs you described here :) Certainly indeed rewarding to work with kids learning how to read :) I think dog sitting would be fun; I have seen lots of ads for positions like you did for your dog sitting adventures :)


    1. Betty, helping kids with reading is definitely rewarding :)

  4. When I was in elementary school we had first graders we would read to and teach to read and I loved it! I looked forward to it every week. America Reads would've been just my thing.

    Dog sitting would be fun, but I don't think my cats would like that. :P

    1. Chrys, my cats did not seem very pleased. Whenever I'm gone for a few nights (my brother takes care of them when I'm gone) then come back, they act scared and like they don't know me for a couple days; I think it's their form of the silent treatment.

  5. Great jobs! All of mine I have enjoyed. They were all office related, except for a stint subbing for a manager in a convenience store. The people involved has been a big part of my enjoyment of the jobs I have had. I also like problem solving, And if I can solve a problem for a person, that's icing on the cake!

    When my son was in elementary school, there was a volunteer reading program that I participated in for two years. It helped the children who were struggling to get up to speed with their reading. I enjoyed my time in that, as well.

    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. Barbara, it sounds like you have had some great jobs, and I agree that it does feel good to help someone solve a problem :)

  6. I suspect quite a few people could use a responsible dog sitter. I wish I had help at times.


    1. Janie, I was glad to be available to help the couples from my church. They said they felt better just knowing someone trustworthy was at home with their pets :)

    2. Oh, and thanks for the follow, I followed you back :)

  7. I dogsat a long long time ago. Granted, I didn't deal with allergies then, but it definitely is a fun business.

  8. I read to my son before he could speak, and now he is reading quite fluidly. I like to think that that time spent in his early years helped. :)

  9. I love seeing that "a-ha" look too. I've been told I'm a great teacher, probably because I know how to simplify things to their most basic :)

  10. I love seeing that "a-ha" look too. I've been told I'm a great teacher, probably because I know how to simplify things to their most basic :)


  11. Working with children has its rewards I know, but it takes a special sort of personality to deal with that job. I don't think I'd do too well being in charge of 15 or more kids. Good for you.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

  12. I'm doing my best job now--full-time freelance writer and novelist. My favorite non-writing job was working in a movie theater as a teen. So much fun!


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