Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Motivation For the Challenge Ahead

I am mainly posting today to test out an automated Facebook IFTTT I set up. But for your enjoyment, I will include some quotes and this fun video I came across in my classical music searches. This is a video of music comedian, Victor Borge, and his take on three classical music excerpts. Enjoy!

  • I am also writing this in a format similar to my A to Z posts.

  • The George S. Patton quote above was on my calendar this month and I thought it was so appropriate for the A to Z Challenge!

  • I think that's about all I have right now, good luck to all of my fellow participants!

  • I will see you again on Friday, April 1 with the letter A!

Monday, March 21, 2016

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Well, the anticipation is over. It is time for me to reveal my Blogging From A to Z Challenge theme! This year my theme is:

~*~*~ Classical Music ~*~*~

I will be blogging through the alphabet with 26 different composers. I wanted to include as many of my favorite pieces and composers as I could, so my letter each day will be the composer’s first or last name, or a title of one of their pieces. There were a couple letters I had to dig for, but it has still been a fun process so far. Here’s what you can expect from my posts: I will include a YouTube video of a piece of music from the featured composer, and I have made an effort to find videos that are under 10 minutes (which is not easy with classical music). I will also include some quick and interesting facts about the composer, and in some cases, I may include a bonus video or other content.
A musical joke, who gets it?
                I know that many people find classical music to be boring or sleep-inducing, but I have grown to appreciate it a lot more over the past few years and I hope to bring out some of the more interesting pieces that I have come across. Classical music can be inspiring, calming, mesmerizing, and, at times, exhilarating! Many of the pieces could also be great background music for those of you going through the A to Z posts each day! I am excited to share this fascination with you and I hope that you have an enjoyable experience and maybe even learn something new.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016



            I think the above meme speaks for itself. I spent Tuesday gathering more of what I need for my A to Z Challenge theme and hoping that it will all work together. With the theme reveal next Monday, I figured I would just do a short picture post today. It's a mostly wordless Wednesday, and now, let's cat with Sawyer, Kitty, and Sophie:


Monday, March 7, 2016

March Question of the Month

The Question of the Month is a bloghop that occurs the first Monday of each month and it is hosted by Michael G D'Agostino from A Life Examined. Here is the question for March:
Have you ever met an idol/influence/someone you really admire? How did it go?”
            Over the years, I’ve admired various people, known and unknown, for their traits and abilities. I looked up to my cousin when I was a kid and thought she was the coolest person I knew. She was on a swim team and had a huge Cabbage Patch collection and I wanted to be just like her. I’ve had my share of celebrity crushes as well. There are still a few celebrities I would love to get to have a conversation with, including Benedict Cumberbatch, David Tennant, or Johnny Depp. Of course, if I actually met them, instead of acting suave and conversing quietly, I would probably say something like “Oh wow! It’s you! You’re here! Please, will you take a picture with me, please?!”
The Graham Norton Show in London. Matt Crossick/PA Images/Startraksphoto.com
            Lately, though, I have been a little more down-to-earth with the people I admire. I highly esteem missionaries and people who maintain a strong faith in the midst of trying circumstances. I enjoyed attending a single ladies’ retreat my second time last July and I met a lot of interesting women of all ages who are single, like myself. The two women who put the event together, Mirren and Taryn, are so courteous and kind. I met them a few years ago. They are sisters in their late 30s and never married, and they are actively serving God in their father’s ministry and through women’s ministries, like those retreats. And they both do it all with smiles on their faces. Their great attitude is contagious and they show characteristics that I feel I need more of in my own life. I’m glad I met them and I have enjoyed the handful of times I’ve been able to talk with them.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March IWSG

            Time for another posting with the Insecure Writers Support Group, where writers can share their insecurities and encourage one another. IWSG was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh and we share our posts the first Wednesday of the month. Last month, we got a new badge, which I really like, and our first monthly newsletter put together by Chrys Fey! The co-hosts for March are: Lauren Hennessy, Lisa Buie-Collard, Lidy Wilks, Christine Rains, and Mary Aalgaard.

            This month, the only thing I’m slightly insecure about is the upcoming Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme idea may be more elaborate than I can handle and I hope I can pull it all together before April begins. Putting the alphabet aside, I have been bookmarking some writing contest websites. I hope to start writing and submitting short stories and maybe even give flash fiction a try this summer, if I’m not too worn out after April is over :) I might even share some of my fiction on this blog if I think it’s worth sharing. I guess that’s all for now, I’ll check back in with my weekly posts for March, otherwise you will probably find me researching my letters and putting them all together! I hope everyone has a productive month!

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