Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March IWSG

            Time for another posting with the Insecure Writers Support Group, where writers can share their insecurities and encourage one another. IWSG was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh and we share our posts the first Wednesday of the month. Last month, we got a new badge, which I really like, and our first monthly newsletter put together by Chrys Fey! The co-hosts for March are: Lauren Hennessy, Lisa Buie-Collard, Lidy Wilks, Christine Rains, and Mary Aalgaard.

            This month, the only thing I’m slightly insecure about is the upcoming Blogging from A to Z Challenge. My theme idea may be more elaborate than I can handle and I hope I can pull it all together before April begins. Putting the alphabet aside, I have been bookmarking some writing contest websites. I hope to start writing and submitting short stories and maybe even give flash fiction a try this summer, if I’m not too worn out after April is over :) I might even share some of my fiction on this blog if I think it’s worth sharing. I guess that’s all for now, I’ll check back in with my weekly posts for March, otherwise you will probably find me researching my letters and putting them all together! I hope everyone has a productive month!


  1. You should start submitting some short stories. At least they don't take as long to write as a full novel.
    The past few years, my Challenge posts have been very elaborate. Most took five hours or more to put together. I'm sure you can tackle yours with success.

    1. Thanks Alex! I hope my posts won't take that long to put together, I would have to rethink my theme if that were the case, lol. And yes, that is the appeal of short stories, less time :)

  2. That is good to think about the writing contests; good goal to work on in the coming months after A/Z :) My theme for A/Z is rather simple and involves a lot of pictures more than words, but I know it can be stressful trying to get it all together especially with everything else we need to do, like those pesky things like work :)


    1. Betty, yes, work is pesky! And I hope I will still be motivated to work on my writing goals after the A to Z :)

  3. That's cool you're working on shorts. Have you heard of Write 1 Sub 1? It might be something you'd like, if you're submitting. Best of luck with A-to-Z. I'll be hiding in a hole...

    1. Loni, I have not heard of Write 1 Sub 1, but it looks interesting and I am adding it to my bookmarks to look into later. Thanks! :)

  4. You get mad props for participating in the April A-Z challenge. I've never done it so I applaud anyone who does! Good luck to you!

    And love the TS Elliot quote ;)

    1. Thanks C G! I participated in the A to Z the first time last year and I really enjoyed it despite having to rush to get my posts up :) I was hoping to be more prepared this year, but time is running out...


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