Friday, March 31, 2017

Flashback Friday: Cats

            **I forgot to pre-schedule my Flashback Friday post! But, it's alright because it is still Friday where I am. Since it is a bit late, I thought I would include something new at the end as a bonus. Flashback Friday occurs the last Friday of the month. Participants repost an old post that needed more attention, that you're very proud of, that you think is still relevant, etc. It was hosted by Michael G D'Agostino, but he has opted out. You can still find a list of previous and current participants on his blog.**

Just a Quick Word (With Cats!) - Previously published July 24, 2015
            Just for fun, I thought I would introduce everyone to my cats.  They have made some appearances in post pictures before, and I thought they deserved a proper introduction!

Here they are:
They're pretty lazy
This is Kitty:

We wanted to come up with a great name for her when she was a kitten, so we waited for her personality to develop.  But the next thing you know, we just couldn't come up with anything more fitting than Kitty or just The Cat since she was our only indoor cat for a while.
This is Sawyer:
He's my lap baby and a great comforter after a long day at work.  He also likes to sleep in a lot of strange positions, so he ends up in more pictures than the other two.
This is Sophie:

She is the bratty, "little sister" of this clowder.  She sometimes ninja-strikes all, whether cat, dog, or human, who cross her path.

And now (3/31/17), here is a little bonus picture. Can you spot the new cat?:
This is Arwen. While Kitty, Sawyer, and Sophie rule the indoors, Arwen is an outside cat who chose my family. She is a bit camera shy and she doesn't always come around, but I managed to capture her in a rare moment of getting cozy in the little house we got for her.


  1. I did spot Arwen. Was she a "stray" that you came to see around and start feeding it? She looks mighty cozy in her little home. The other three are cute too! Like I might have mentioned before, never had a cat as a pet. My sister had a friend one time that had seven cats as pets in an apartment no less. My mom cleaned house for them. She wasn't super fond of the cats but they pretty much left her alone :)


    1. Betty, Arwen is a stray that we started feeding about a year or so ago. She used to hang out in the backyard most of the day, but lately she has only come around at night. There may be another family that has started feeding her. And 7 cats in an apartment? Wow!

  2. I love cuddly, sleepy cats. Yours are all adorable.


  3. Your cats are beautiful, Liz. Wow, that Sophie. Love her name. We have an outdoor cat that comes in for dinner or to visit once in a while. At Christmas, our toddler granddaughter who loves animals knelt down by the cat who acts skiddish most of the time indoors Not this time, she just laid there allowing the wee one to pet her! I couldn't get over that.

    1. Thanks Mary! That's precious that the cat let your granddaughter pet it :)

  4. Cats know how to live. Sleep, eat, sleep again on the lap of a warm human. Eat again. They're so lucky to have you for their human.

    1. Thanks Susan, I consider myself privileged to have their comfort after long days at work.

  5. That last pic makes me think of the old Monty Python sketch, How Not to Be Seen.

    1. Monty Python is hilarious! I had to look that one up on YouTube. Let's hope John Cleese doesn't blow up my cat :)


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