Wednesday, March 6, 2019

IWSG: Slowly Making Progress

Time for another posting with the Insecure Writer’s Support Group, where writers can share their insecurities and encourage one another. IWSG was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh and we share our posts the first Wednesday of the month.

 Sorry about last month. I really thought I would find time to write a post during the week before I left, but I got caught up with over-packing and doing chores that needed to be done before I left. Then I copied down the monthly question and told myself I’d write a post during downtime, but, as is the case with most of my trips, downtime was used for resting.

Aside from experiencing a lot of cold and allergy symptoms since my return from New Mexico, February was a good month. I have been working through the KonMari Method with tidying up my stuff. It has been a slow-going process, but I’ve been seeing a little bit of progress as I make my surroundings more joyful and less cluttered. This process has really put a lot in perspective, and I find myself more thankful for what God has blessed me with. You may ask: What has this got to do with my writing? Quite a lot actually. All the clutter surrounding me has been one of the hindrances to my writing. As a person who likes to be organized, I felt so distracted and unable to concentrate when I tried to write. This is still a work in progress, but I have been thinking more about where I’m going with my writing. At this point, writing a novel is not my goal. I’ve enjoyed doing short stories and devotional writings, and I have a long list of ideas to utilize once my surroundings are more peaceful. It feels good to still be working toward the goal I made in January, which is to make more room for writing, and I’ve taken that quite literally!

Taos, New Mexico

Since I like this month’s optional question, I thought I’d give a quick answer. Whose perspective do you like to write from best, the hero (protagonist) or the villain (antagonist)? And why? I enjoy writing from the hero’s perspective, because I like showing how good can overcome evil within a conflict. I think I also feel more comfortable writing from a perspective that I can relate to. I’ve never tried this, but I have considered writing as the villain in a story of redemption, like The Grinch or my personal favorite: Megamind (if you have not watched that animated movie, I highly recommend!).


  1. I like clean spaces too, but I can also sit down at a very messy desk as long as there are piles. I wish you luck finding the time you hope to find to write. Happy IWSG Day :)

  2. Sometimes removing all the excess makes a big difference. Hope you can clear out and find your happy writing spot.

  3. Yes, clutter can make it hard to concentrate. And doing the literal thing is more helpful sometimes than one might think.

  4. Hi,
    Right On! That's one of my reasons for writing from the hero's perspective. I like the fact of good triumphing over evil.
    Wishing you all the best with your writing.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  5. I've been seeing your posts on Instagram about this and finding it interesting.

    If you were to see my desk/office/room you'd think I have a lot of clutter. It's organized, but I do have a lot of knick-knacks (that don't even go with each other) that I love.

  6. Clutter increases my anxiety so I have to make every effort to keep surfaces as clear as possible. Kudos to you for clearing away some of the unnecessary things in your life! It sounds like your 2019 is off to a great start! I agree with you - I'm most comfortable writing from the hero's perspective. But redemption stories are pretty awesome. :)

  7. I hadn't heard of the KonMari Method. I'll have to google it. Beautiful picture of Taos! Hope you had a great vacation!


  8. Decluttering opens the mind and just feels great. I love the picture you placed here because it seems to echo your feelings

  9. Good luck with the decluttering. I should do that. Fortunately, I have "tunnel vision" which allows me to focus on my laptop and not see the mess around me--papers for taxes, clothes to be folded, mail that I need to do something with. I don't "see" it. LOL Lovely picture.

  10. I call your examples conversion stories and I love them! I've written a short chapter via a villain's point of view and it made me feel horrible! Dirty and evil. It's a rule that I pretty much stay clear from it and share the same love of good vanquishing evil!

    By the way, I think better when my place is organized, too! I hope you can get this done so you can get back to writing. <3

  11. Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks for sharing.


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