Monday, October 3, 2016

Question of the Month: Looking Back

The Question of the Month is a bloghop that occurs the first Monday of each month and this is the last one that will be hosted by Michael G D'Agostino from A Life Examined. I’ll miss having Michael as our host, but I wish him well in all his future endeavors. Here is the last question he posed for us:

“What’s a decision you’ve made in the past that you know, logically, was the right decision to make, but which you still feel guilty or regretful about?”

            Looking back on the decision I’m writing about today, I also have to go back to my thought process at that time. Now, I can see many other paths I could have chosen, but at that time my choice seemed perfectly logical. It was choosing to major in education at college. First of all, for most of high school, there was this constant pressure to get ready for college. We were bombarded with questions: “Where are you going to go?” “What are you going to major in?” “How are you going to pay for it?” By my junior year, at the ripe old age of 17, I had already made my final decisions. "I’m going to OBU and I’m majoring in Elementary Education." At first, I thought it might be nice to take a year off, but then I had a case of FOMO (fear of missing out) and I didn’t want to be “behind” my peers. I don’t regret my choice of school. I enjoyed OBU’s small class sizes, variety of curriculum within my major, and integration of Christian faith. I chose to teach because people told me I was good with kids, and I liked kids, and the only job I could think of that involved working with kids was teaching. I realized the summer before my final year of college that I did not really want to teach and there were other directions I could have gone. At that point, it was too late to change majors and still finish in a year. My parents and I could not afford to keep me in college longer. Yes, I probably was too quick to give up and give in to my circumstances, but I stuck to my initial plan and even taught kindergarten for a year before calling it quits. After that, I somehow ended up stuck in a pharmacy, and I often look back and wonder what else I could have done. The positive of this path I’m still on is that I have a job with no homework (unless regaining energy counts). So, over time, I have been able to reanalyze my life, I have grown closer to God, and I have renewed my interest, and gained a passion, in writing, all of which can help me pursue a new path in life.


  1. If it gave you time to draw closer to God, then it was the right step to take.

  2. I can identify. After three years of teaching, I gave it up as well, but still wonder if that was the right thing to do.

  3. I like that quote you shared here. It was good you realized early on that teaching was not for you. I think some go into the field and then find themselves stuck in it and continue teaching, though their passion is not there and it reflects on the way they teach.


  4. A huge percentage of teachers leave the profession within the first five years. The job always sounds better than it actually is. College is so expensive, probably lots of others made decisions just like you did.

  5. I think kids are too pressured nowadays to know what they will do with their life. It is too early often and many kids leave school not even able to write well. People think teaching is easy because of the breaks one gets in the summer, etc... but I could never do it. If you look back and think how you would feel if you continued in the field, you probably know you made the right choice. i have a thinking pattern of looking 5 years ahead. If I choose to do something (or not do) how will i feel about it in 5 years. If I sense I will have a regret, then i know I have to choose the direction where there is no regret. Even if it doesn't work out as planned, it was meant to be

  6. I think most of the time we make decisions based on the knowledge we have at the time. There is probably no right or wrong in these cases, just what is better or worse for us. Hindsight is easy but being there at the moment doesn't always tell us the whole story. Besides, we change over time as we learn more and live more.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  7. I think many of the decisions we make can be just part of the natural progression of life. Things seem so much bigger, so much more important, so much more life altering in the moment the decision is being made, but then we look back on it and it's simply become part of our past and what has brought us to where we are. All in all, you got closer to God and you can't do any better than that.

  8. I relate to your story. I was pressured into giving up the major I wanted in favor of something else. Although I'm grateful for my degree in English, I wanted to major in music. I think it would help if we had a gap year as they do in England.


  9. Yeah, that last year. You just want to be done. But how many people aren't doing what they majored in? I think that's fairly common.

  10. That made me think - I did regret just following my lack of careers advice and majoring in maths. Although I never regret making the friends I still have because of that choice. But I was lucky - I went back to college twenty years later and found the right choice for me, after all.
    Thanks, Liz.

  11. Sorry everyone! I've been going through a rough patch with my internet and also with some personal issues. I will try to get around to each of your latest posts soon. Better late than never, right?


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