Dictionary.com defines zeal as “fervor for a person, cause,
or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor.” There are times when I feel zealous for the
lessons God is trying to teach me and there are times when I feel a bit more
apathetic. When I first learn something,
I feel fired up and ready to share it with the world, but I am not good at
expressing my feelings or enthusiasm around most people. I tend to hold everything in, and that is why
I enjoy writing because it is a way to let it out. I have a zeal for writing and for writing
about the things I am learning. But that
mountaintop experience fades very quickly once I enter the real world away from
the great preaching or teaching. It is
in those moments of apathy that I must drive myself back into God’s Word and
serve Him more diligently. I like the
context of today’s verse in Romans 12:9-21.
It includes some of the concepts I’ve brought up in this challenge:
love, prayer, waiting (patience), forgiveness; and it follows the passage I
used in my post about unity (Rom. 12:4-8).
Writing about these, looking up the verses, and remembering what I’ve
learned has been both convicting and motivating. It has also renewed my zeal for getting this
blog up and running again, better than ever!