Saturday, August 29, 2015

Feeling Rather Tired

            The last two weeks have passed in a whirlwind of sleepiness.  Ibuprofen seems to have a groggy effect, even on those days when I only take two capsules all day.  So besides that side effect, I thought I would give an update on my gum graft surgery since my post early last week.

            Last Monday, after work, I had to do some much-needed grocery shopping for liquid and soft foods.  I found quite a few decent things and besides my brother’s smoothies, my favorites have been some various flavors of Greek yogurt, mashed potatoes, and the surprisingly-soft Oscar Meyer Carving Board Chicken.  The first couple days back at work were pretty tough, my mouth would start getting pretty irritated halfway through the day, and then I was starting to worry that being at work would cause too much stress and that the graft might not take.  I tried to take it extra easy in the evenings and I would just read and relax.  I felt much better by last Thursday on my day off, and I was able to get a few things checked off my to do list.  I spent that evening with my good friend Lauren and helped with her children, including Victoria (click here to read about the power of prayer in Victoria’s life).  Tori is doing well, she still has to work with a speech therapist, but other than that, she acts like a normal two-year-old.

            Last Saturday, I participated in Conquer the Gauntletwhich was quite a challenging experience.  I searched online to check that it was ok to exercise after my surgery, and the general consensus seemed to be between 24 hours to 4 days after surgery that it is fine.  Since it had been 9 days and my mouth was feeling almost normal, I figured I was alright.  Conquer the Gauntlet is a 4 mile course with 29 highly challenging obstacles most of which involved climbing.  I would not have made it through without the help of the team I was with.  We had to push and pull each other up on some of the obstacles and it was a great lesson on community and endurance.  Some people from my church participated and we talked about how it relates to our walk with Christ at Sunday school the next day.  I was sore and bruised afterwards, but I’m glad I decided to still do it despite my surgery.

            Let’s fast forward to this Thursday, I had my post-op appointment to get my stitches removed.  It was surprisingly short and my doctor said that everything looked good and that the graft was taking well.  Praise the Lord!  I still have to be gentle with the gums on my lower front teeth, but I am just grateful that the mental stress of work and the physical stress of the Gauntlet did not have negative consequences on my mouth.  It is amazing what our bodies can endure!  Besides having to eat with more delicacy, I think I should be getting back into my normal routine of trying to balance everything in my life, lol!

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6 (NIV)


  1. Glad to hear you are healing fine; that gauntlet does sound like an interesting adventure!


    1. Oh yes, it had much more than I expected, but it was still a great experience!

  2. What a blessing your mouth is healing just fine! You probably won't want Jello ever again.
    Conquer the Gauntlet sounds like quite the challenge. At least it's not a full or half marathon.

    1. If I had the time to train, I would maybe consider a half-marathon...maybe...And the Jello's not so bad, it's the protein drinks that get old real fast.

  3. Surgery and a challenge like that? I don't blame you for being tired. I would be too! I'm glad that your healing well.

    I read your reply to Alex above and totally agree about the protein drinks! When I was in the hospital for 5 days after spine surgery, all they would give me was orange Gatorade. To this day I still can't drink that Gatorade flavor. *shivers*

  4. Yuck :( I've never been a big fan of Gatorade.


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